The Fruit of Peace
The Peace that passes understanding is biblical peace – peace with God, peace with others and peace with self. Explore this with me.
The Peace that passes understanding is biblical peace – peace with God, peace with others and peace with self. Explore this with me.
Joy may be as elusive as a butterfly. Hard to capture and easily lost. But if we can grasp its meaning and walk with the Spirit we can also have a permanent joy through the changing circumstances of life. Let’s explore this in this message.
A popular song back in 1963 was “What the World Needs Now – Love, Sweet Love.” I had no idea back then just how true this song was! Now, in 2025, I see it more than ever. Not only for the world, but for my own life. We can never have enough love in our lives for God and others.
Intoxication is sin according to God’s word. But even moderation can lead to serious problems, which tells us that Christians who believe this is a liberty must be extremely cautious about the reasons they drink, where they drink, and when they drink and how much they drink. We will explore this topic in detail in this message.
The problems of excessive drinking are incalculable. What does the Bible say about this critical issue? What does the Bible say about drinking alcoholic beverages? Is it sin? This lesson will explore this delicate subject as objectively as possible.
Paul adds jealousy and envy to the list of works of the flesh. Both may lead one to sins such as rage, malice and bring misery on self and others. Let’s look at these serious attitudes that displease the Lord.
Outbursts of anger, disputes, selfish ambition, divisiveness and factions. This list of behaviors springs from a lust for power and control. We will examine these traits in this lesson to help us master these impulses.
Bad attitudes, sour disposition, critical spirit, mean spirited, negative attitude, narcissistic, bitter. The list goes on. Christian’s are as human as unbelievers and we must be watchful and vigilant about uncontrolled, harmful emotions. We will offer some insights and biblical guidance to master our sinful attitudes and harmful emotions.
In our life time we have seen remarkable changes. Many for the good but sadly many not so good. But what changes have we seen in ourselves? As Believers we must press onwards to greater maturity in Christ. This message seeks to provide us greater incentive and ways to do this.
Each prophecy of Christ’s coming has a unique answer to humanity’s needs. They reveal God’s loving plan and ultimate victory over sin and Satan. We will explore some of these and their fulfillments.
10:00 am – Morning Bible Class
11:00 am – Morning Worship
*Children’s Bible Hour offered during the sermon
6:00 pm – Evening Bible Study
Minister: Rob Redden
202 South 8th St
Grover Beach, CA 93433
202 South 8th St.
Grover Beach, CA 93433
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Grover Beach church of Christ
202 South 8th St, Grover Beach, CA 93433 | (805) 489-3848