Deeds of the Flesh: Idolatry and Sorcery and its Modern Counterparts
Paul categorizes false religion under idolatry and sorcery. We will look at its modern manifestations in this message.
Paul categorizes false religion under idolatry and sorcery. We will look at its modern manifestations in this message.
Today we are finding it more and more difficult to draw the line between what is permissible and what is not in making moral judgments. This lesson looks at the first three deeds of the flesh to find more clarity in our pursuit of holiness.
The title points to the constant struggle to please the Lord. The added struggle is determining what is right and wrong. It’s not easy. But we must never depend on our conscience alone. God’s word is the final answer.
It’s time again for Thanksgiving! It’s time every day to recall our blessings and give thanks to the Lord. We will explore David’s thanksgiving to the Lord after giving him the opportunity to bring the ark of the covenant back to where it belonged!
It’s difficult to avoid criticism. If we do something we may get criticized. If we do nothing we will get criticized. But let’s face it! Criticism hurts. We all have fragile egos, and when we receive it, we get knocked down. Of course, not all criticism is deserved. But the question is not whether it is or is not deserved, how should we handle it? This message focuses on this question.
It’s difficult to avoid criticism. If we do something we may get criticized. If we do nothing we will get criticized. But let’s face it! Criticism hurts. We all have fragile egos, and when we receive it, we get knocked down. Of course, not all criticism is deserved. But the question is not whether it is or is not deserved, how should we handle it? This message focuses on this question.
Which is harder? To give criticism or receive it? I find them both difficult. Few really master the art of welcoming criticism and fewer have enough thick skin to handle it. But the child of God must be able to take it and give it in the spirit of Christ. Join me in exploring this important matter.
The Lord expects the Christian to learn how to communicate in ways that accomplish good. It isn’t easy because communication is a two way street. This requires insight into our communication habits and also recognize how someone may receive our words, tone and body language. Let’s explore this together!
God communicated to us clearly about how we, as His children, must communicate with others. Let’s explore this together in this message.
Words can get a person killed. It may have contributed to the two attempted assassinations on Trump. It makes no difference if we are Democrats or Republicans, if we are Christians we must stop the vicious name calling, labeling, vicious rhetoric. We are to avoid all rude, crude and lewd language. We will address this serious issue in this lesson.
10:00 am – Morning Bible Class
11:00 am – Morning Worship
*Children’s Bible Hour offered during the sermon
6:00 pm – Evening Bible Study
Minister: Rob Redden
202 South 8th St
Grover Beach, CA 93433
202 South 8th St.
Grover Beach, CA 93433
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Grover Beach church of Christ
202 South 8th St, Grover Beach, CA 93433 | (805) 489-3848