Humanity’s Needs Are Met Only From the Bible
Humankind is Incurably Religious. The Bible is self authenticating and is the only true source for Spiritual Needs. We will explore this in detail in this message
The Character of Christ: Proof the Jesus is the Son of God and the Bible is of Divine Origin
Have you ever wondered how an imperfect group of men could create a portrait of a perfect human being in narrative form as we find in the four gospels? Impossible! Let me guide you through their impossible task that leads to only one conclusion. Jesus is the Son of God and the New Testament is from God!
Prophecies of Christ
The prophecies of Christ given centuries before Jesus was born are sufficient evidence for the inspiration of the Bible. We will look at just eight of the many prophecies of Jesus to demonstrate this claim.
God has Spoken! Is the New Testament Reliable?
Those who reject the Bible claim that we can’t know for sure what was written 2,000 years ago. The Bible, they say, is unreliable. We will explore this accusation in this lesson.
God Has Spoken
Once we admit the existence of a personal God it is easy to prove the need for Him to reveal Himself and His will for humankind. We will offer the proof in this message.
Consider the Lilies: Beauty and the Existence of God
The Beauty in the universe is a testimony for the existence of God. There is no natural explanation for its existence, which points to a loving God who cares about the happiness of humankind. We will explore this in detail and discover God’s purpose of this wonderful gift.
Are We Stones or Pebbles?
A believer is to be steadfast immovable and always abounding in the work of the Lord as Paul wrote. We have assurance that our service to the Lord is not in vain. We have the assurance of this by the resurrection of Christ and the promise of our resurrection. Let’s dig deeper into this topic together.
The Heavens Declare the Glory of God
The Bible points to God’s creation as evidence of His existence. God has manifested Himself through the design of all things since design demands a designer. We will explore this evidence in this lesson.
A Father’s Day Message
An angel told the father of John the Baptist that his son would try to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children. If there ever was a time for this to be needed it is today. We will explore this in detail in this message to encourage fathers to be more connected with their children.